Powerful Speaker on Health Transformation, Medical Culture, and Humanity

San Francisco

Transforming Pain into Activism

Emily F. Peters shares how her own near-death experience turned her into an activist for a better healthcare system

Speaking Topics

Art and Medicine

Can you imagine a better healthcare future? Far too many of us working in medicine today are burned out, left feeling hopeless and uninspired. In this talk, Emily F. Peters explores how the creative process and art bring new possibilities to healthcare from a shared 100,000-year history together. Hear about musicians, writers, photographers, architects, designers, and painters who are creating lasting change in medicine around the world. Analyze historical connections between the elements of art including music, pigments, storytelling, and color, and the current practice of medicine in a complex world. Learn why it’s okay that optimism is functionally more work than pessimism and how to develop your own practice of imagination.

Beyond Care and Expertise: Why We Need More Healthcare Leaders and How to Create Them

Problems abound in our current U.S. healthcare systems, including overwhelming costs, falling outcomes, continued inequity, and professional burnout. We need bold leadership to solve these, especially from the clinicians with knowledge of working on the front lines of care. Yet most medical education doesn’t teach future physicians and nurses how to lead. In this talk, explore varied paths to leadership among medical professionals — showing there are so many ways to make a difference. Learn about diverse authors, advocates, astronauts, and founders who use their own unique perspectives to lead healthcare transformation. This session can be tailored for medical students, women’s healthcare leadership groups, and mid-career professionals.


As a former journalist and multi-decade expert on healthcare transformation, Emily F. Peters is a dynamic panel moderator. She has led energetic conversations with a wide range of speakers from the CEO of Blue Shield of California to bestselling author Claire Saffitz.

Speaking Appearances